Save the Children PH, dedicated to transforming lives in the Philippines for over four decades, established SHIFT to connect empowered children with NGOs.
I was commissioned to expand their illustration library, creating new visuals that maintain and reinforce their established identity.

Project Background
Expanding A World
Save the Children PH, the world’s leading independent children’s organization, has been working in the Philippines for over four decades and is dedicated to transforming children’s lives. They established SHIFT, an organization that aims to connect empowered children with NGOs to further advance their causes.
I was approached to widen the org's existing illustration library (originally by illustrator, Babsilog) that they will peruse for all promotional materials over time. Already having a basis of the existing illustration style, I just patterned the rest of the drawings while putting my own spin on it.

For the brief, most of the illustrations consisted of making a 'good' and 'bad' character - ultimately, the same concept rendered in two different ways.
I started everything with pencils, proceeding to render in color once approved.
A couple of pencils in the initial stages
- we went through a couple of rough pencils
and different character designs before settling on the final ones.

Renders & Application
After the sketches, we proceeded to renders. We ended up doing a total of 30+ additional illustrations for the extended visual library. Most of them were used in Shift's website, while some were used in print material & merch.

Check out their website, shiftnow.org, or follow them on Instagram.
In collaboration with SHIFT
Creative Director: Karen Vinalay
Original Illustrator: Alyssa Babasa
All illustrations displayed here are mine.
Project List:
+ Shift